Author : Lee Jacobs

Remote Working with Microsoft 365

Working from home is a big change in an already tumultuous time. Yet there’s a bright side. The quarantine could be your opportunity to reinvent how you work — for the better. Migrating to Microsoft 365 has benefits now. Plus, when you’re back to business as usual. Microsoft 365 is the cloud-based version of Microsoft […]

Could Your Backups Survive A Ransomware Attack?

Could Your Backups Survive A Ransomware Attack? More and more businesses and organizations are getting stung by ransomware demands. Hospitals, schools, social networks…some days it seems like an epidemic that leaps around arbitrarily, and hackers are raking in millions. Tallied across the word…billions. Ransomware attacks are devious in their simplicity. A user in the target […]

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